What Blossoms Wakefulness?

The simple answer is this: Coffee.

Coffee and I have had a long-standing love-hate relationship. I will go through periods of time where coffee is just about the best thing on the planet, and without there is no functioning. I will then follow those with similar periods where coffee is so far from my mind it is ridiculous to think I ever needed it so badly. It has never been steady.

For me, there really isn’t ever a need for coffee, at least not anymore. There are some mornings where I feel I need it, but more than anything it is just a part of my routine in the mornings. I get a shower, get dressed, get my Tervis of coffee, go to work, and I continue my day. If I don’t get my coffee, am I grumpy? Yeah. A little. Part of that is the lack of caffeine, I’m sure, but I know for a fact that part of it is simply a break in my habits. I am a creature of habit, for sure, and that is why it is so hard for me to create a new one or break an old one. I do things a certain way, and I always do them that way if I can, and any change it that disrupts my obsessive compulsive tendencies.

And while I will often drink more than one cup a day, it has more to do with enjoying the taste of coffee how I make it and less to do with needing caffeine. It’s a comfort to me to have a cup of coffee. I often keep the cup in my hand to create a miniature barrier between me and the person I’m talking to. I don’t do that consciously. I have just noticed I do it.

Side Notes:

I apologize for this one being technically the next day. My evening ran long and I was almost asleep, but I got up specifically to type out this post. That’s also part of the reason this post may seem a little different, and maybe shorter. I’m too tired to know for sure.

I got a new pair of glasses today. I got used to the new prescription much faster than I thought I would, and I didn’t even end up with a headache from them. My only complaint is they are constantly falling off of my nose.

I’m going to actually go to bed now, and I hope anyone who is reading this sleeps/slept well. People who read things willingly are a rare breed, anyways, anymore. You guys keep it up.

